Self-Efficacy and its Relationship with Future Orientation and Coping Styles for a Sample of Technical Secondary Students

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


قسم علم النفس جامعة المنصورة


The study examined the relationship between self-efficacy and future orientation, and the relationship between self-efficacy and coping styles. It was conducted on a sample of 150 technical school students. Mean age of the sample 17.42 years with S.D ± 1.14. The researcher used self-efficacy scale, future orientation scale, and coping styles scale (prepared by the researcher). Results of the study indicated that there is a positive relationship between self-efficacy and future orientation. Also found a positive relationship between self-efficacy and Active coping, also a positive relationship between self-efficacy and positive reappraisal, and there is a negative relationship between self-efficacy and venting of emotions, also a negative relationship between self-efficacy and avoidance.

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